HomeHypnotherapyYoga and Hypnotherapy: Patanjali Institute on Yoga Travel Tree (now brazenist)

Yoga and Hypnotherapy: Patanjali Institute on Yoga Travel Tree (now brazenist)

Posted Sohail on Dec 8, 2015 in Hypnotherapy, Patanjali Institute, Yoga
Yoga and Hypnotherapy: Patanjali Institute on Yoga Travel Tree (now brazenist)

Patanjali Institute had the pleasure to publish an article on the website of Yoga Travel Tree (now brazenist). In our article Dr. Sohail Ebady explains the benefits of the combination of yoga and hypnotherapy, which is especially effective in times of bigger needs. He states that hypnotherapy together with yoga can help the patient to get rid of self distructive behavior by finding a way to communicate with one´s subconsciousness. He adds that exercises like self-hypnosis or visualization can be included into the yogic practice, what can be tought by an educated teacher and instructor.

For more information on this please read the full article “Yoga and hypnotherapy – a winning combination“ on brazenist (not accessible at the moment).

We strongly advise you to not try hypnotherapy without professional guidance. It can bear serious danger to a person’s mental health!

If you are interested in our training please reserve your spot here or find out more about our upcoming dates and fees and about our YTT Thailand, our YTT Bali and our YTT Sri Lanka.

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  1. Patrycja Klak
    June 14, 2018

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  2. Sohail
    June 13, 2019

    Thank you!

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