Awareness, awareness, awareness...
Combine yoga with hypnotherapy! Our course will enable you to be a yoga teacher, but you will be able to conduct self-hypnosis workshops and give private hypnotherapy sessions too. Of course you can use self-hypnosis for yourself as well.
Our Hypnotherapy Diploma Course
We offer a 4-week residential Hypnotherapy Diploma Certificate Course, designed for students to become a professional hypnotherapist (in combination with the Yoga Teacher Training Course).
No previous experience of hypnotherapy is required. The classes will be balanced with a combination of lectures, instructions, demonstrations and practice.
After successful completion of the course the students can apply for membership at International Hypnosis Association (IHA) as we have a cooperation with this institution.
➔ Benefits of hypnotherapy & self-hypnosis
➔ Hypnotherapy Curriculum
➔ Our Schedule
➔ Combine yoga & hypnotherapy for complete health!